A miracle removable putty that holds securely in place valuable status, crystal, glass, vases and more from accidental breakage, theft and earthquakes. Proven to deter theft and breakage, yet removes easily with a twist. It works! It’s so simple!Ready to use * Holds 40 plus items * Removable * Reuseable * Works on woodExcellent for: Antiques * Collectibles * Plates * Glassware * Statues * Figurines * Vases * Crystal * Pottery * Pictures * Bottles * Steins * in RV’s & Boats too * The uses are endless!Collectors Hold! Works Best On: Glass Shelves * China Cabinets * Lacquered Wood * Furniture * Time * Painted Gloss Wood and Walls, etc.Contains 2.64oz of product Removable, reusable and non-toxic Museum Putty secures antiques, collectibles and more from falling and breaking. Pull off amount needed, roll it in your fingers until soft, apply to base of object. Lightly press object to surface. Remove by twisting and lifting from base. Comes off clean, works on most surfaces and walls. Won’t damage furniture.
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